Deep Dive into Wazuh: The Heartbeat of Security Onion’s Host-Based Intrusion Detection
In the previous article, we explored the power of Security Onion as a comprehensive open-source Network Security Monitoring (NSM) platform. Security Onion offers a robust suite of tools for network...
Why Security Onion: A Security Analyst’s Guide to Open-Source NSM
In the ever-present battle against cyber threats, security analysts require powerful tools to maintain a vigilant watch over their networks. Network Security Monitoring (NSM) solutions play a critical role in...
Australian government’s new incentives to improve the cybersecurity of small businesses
In August 2020, the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) released its plan to strengthen the security of Australian businesses online. (Strengthening Australia’s cyber security regulations and incentives) The 68 page-long...
Welcome to Helmsman Information Security’s blog.
Welcome to our blog. Helmsman Information Security’s goal is to provide a Threat-Centric Defence network security monitoring service for small to medium enterprises. In this blog, we will share recent news about cybersecurity...